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Better Lives...Without Knives

No Knives Better Lives has a shiny new website. Over two years, Catch the Light put together the peer education resources now used by YouthLink Scotland to support peer education on preventing knife crime in Scotland. Initially we set up a prototype website for No Knives Better Lives to demonstrate ways to carry out peer education. We created new and borrowed existing materials and gave them a test-run to make sure the resources were useful and relevant to practitioners and young people working on this topic. In response the No Knives Better Lives team decided to give their website a complete overhaul.

The team took on board advice relating to the underlying causes of knife crime giving attention to issues of masculinity and resilience as well as considering other weapons and forms of violence.

The Peer Education Resources were created with young people and practitioners across Scotland. We are very grateful to the Violence Reduction Unit's You Decide Team, G20 and Landed for their support in bringing these materials together. We also want to thank all the other organisations and schools that gave the resources a test run (The Hut, FARE, School Link Officers in All Saints and Cleveden Secondary Schools in Glasgow City and Spartans). We'd like to thank Springburn Parish Church in Glasgow for hosting the pilot groups. Dario D'Andrea gave tremendous support throughout this project. Thanks also to Vicki Ridley from the NKBL team for her support and advice throughout.

Get in touch if you would like Catch the Light to come and deliver sessions on any of the topics:

  • Masculinity

  • Resilience

  • Violence

  • Alcohol

  • Peer Education Approach

Are you looking to develop learning or training courses and materials for your workers, volunteers and young people.

This is something we have done for many organisations including CLD Standards Council, Police Scotland International Development Unit, Police Scotland Youth Volunteers, Girls' Brigade in Scotland and No Knives Better Lives. We can also support you to have your materials aligned with SCQF accreditation.


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